September, 1st 2024


Cumulus Humilis

My name is Emilio Rey. I was born in October 1965.

I was very young when I first felt attracted by the Sky. Perhaps it first happened even before I was old enough to reason… maybe I´m not old enough to reason now, and maybe I will never be!

Everything that happens in the sky, in the day or by night, with or without clouds, looks fascinating to me. A huge atmospheric equation will always result in rain, or cold, or maybe a cumulonimbus that I can photograph. I feel attracted by the unpredictable , and nothing is more unpredictable than Atmosphere. If we could decipher all its secrets… Since many years ago I study, I observe and I share my Weather Experiences. My professional career has changed a bit with the years. I first worked as a Computer Programmer, then as a Computer Technician; I even ran my own Company. I currently work for a Graphic Arts company, implementing digital printing systems. Nothing to do with Meteorology, I guess.

But I always try to stay Weather Updated, and perhaps I will one day manage to have a job related to Weather… So far Studying and Storm Chasing is all I´ve done. I have some excellent colleagues in these tasks, and I spend some unforgettable moments with them, both in our physical and virtual (internet) meetings.

After some Chasing, I realised there was not a book in Spanish about Storm Chasing. I then wrote the MBK (Manual del Buen Cazatormentas- A Fine StormChaser´s handbook). Together with some colleagues, I created the first Storm Chasing Group in Spain, the KOKAM. One of my favourite chases took place in June 26th, 2002, a multicell storm in the Guadarrama area, near Madrid. I would also like to mention the Gustnado at La Pobla de Vallbona (Valencia), only 7 km. away from my home, in August 21st, 2003.

I intend to consolidate this website as a reference for Severe Weather in Spanish language.
And of course, as any other Crazy Weather Fanatic, I would like to visit Texas Panhandle, the Tornado Alley… chasing those frightening wonders of Nature…with some friends, my Doppler and many beers around.



© Spain Severe Weather 2010

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