- R - RADAP II - RAdar DAta Processor II, attached to some WSR-57 and WSR-74 radar units. It automatically controls the tilt sequence and computes several radar-derived quantities at regular intervals, including VIL, storm tops, accumulated rainfall, etc. RADAP II - RAdar DAta Processor II (Procesador de Datos de Radar II), pertenecientes a algunas unidades de radar WSR-37 y WSR-74. Este procesador controla automáticamente la secuencia de inclinación y calcula varias cantidades de derivadas de radar a intervalos regulares, incluyendo el LIV, cimas de la tormenta, lluvia acumulada, etc. Doppler Radar - Radar that can measure radial velocity, the instantaneous component of motion parallel to the radar beam (i.e., toward or away from the radar antenna). BWER - Bounded Weak Echo Region. (Also known as a vault.) Radar signature within a thunderstorm characterized by a local minimum in radar reflectivity at low levels which extends upward into, and is surrounded by, higher reflectivities aloft (Fig. 2). This feature is associated with a strong updraft and is almost always found in the inflow region of a thunderstorm. It cannot be seen visually. See WER Reflectivity - Radar term referring to the ability of a radar target to return energy; used to derive echo intensity, and to estimate precipitation intensity and rainfall rates. See dBZ, VIP. Reflectividad - Término de radar referido a la capacidad de un objetivo de radar para devolver energía; usado para encontrar la intensidad de eco, y para estimar la intensidad y tasas de precipitación. Ver dBZ, VIP. Entrance Region - The region upstream from a wind speed maximum in a jet stream (jet max), in which air is approaching (entering) the region of maximum winds, and therefore is accelerating. This acceleration results in a vertical circulation that creates divergence in the upper-level winds in the right half of the entrance region (as would be viewed looking along the direction of flow). This divergence results in upward motion of air in the right rear quadrant (or right entrance region) of the jet max. Severe weather potential sometimes increases in this area as a result. See also exit region, left exit region. Right Entrance Region (or Right Rear Quadrant) - The area upstream from and to the right of an upper-level jet max (as would be viewed looking along the direction of flow). Upward motion and severe thunderstorm potential sometimes are increased in this area relative to the wind speed maximum. See also exit region, justify front quadrant. Región Derecha de Entrada (o Cuadrante Trasero de Entrada) - Área corriente arriba desde y hacia la derecha de un chorro máximo de altos niveles (ya que sería visto mirando a lo largo de la dirección de flujo). Los movimientos ascendentes y las probabilidades de tormentas severas a veces se incrementan en esta area relativa al máximo de viento. Ver también región de salida, cuadrante delantero izquierdo. Exit Region - The region downstream from a wind speed maximum in a jet stream (jet max), in which air is moving away from the region of maximum winds, and therefore is decelerating. This deceleration results in divergence in the upper-level winds in the left half of the exit region (as would be viewed looking along the direction of flow). This divergence results in upward motion of air in the left front quadrant (or left exit region) of the jet max. Severe weather potential sometimes increases in this area as a result. See also entrance region, right entrance region. Dust Whirl - A rotating column of air rendered visible by dust. Similar to debris cloud; see also dust devil, gustnado, tornado. Retrogression (or Retrograde Motion) - Movement of a weather system in a direction opposite to that of the basic flow in which it is embedded, usually referring to a closed low or a longwave trough which moves westward. Retrogresión (o Movimiento Retrógrado) - Movimiento de un sistema meteorológico en una dirección opuesta al flujo base en el que está embebido, normalmente referido a bajas cerradas o vaguadas de gran longitud de onda que se mueven hacia el oeste. Downburst - A strong downdraft resulting in an outward burst of damaging winds on or near the ground. Downburs winds can produce damage similar to a strong tornado. Although usually associated with thunderstorms, downbursts can occur with showers too weak to produce thunder. See dry and wet microburst. Moderate Risk (of severe thunderstorms) - Severe thunderstorms are expected to affect between 5 and 10 percent of the area. A moderate risk indicates the possibility of a significant severe weather episode. See high risk, slight risk, convective outlook. Riesgo Moderado (de tormentas severas) - Se espera que tormentas severas afecten un área de entre el 5 al 10%. Un riesgo moderado indica la posibilidad de una episodio de tiempo severo significativo. Ver alto riesgo, riesgo débil, probabilidad de convección. Anticyclonic Rotation - Rotation in the opposite sense as the Earth's rotation, i.e., clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere as would be seen from above. The opposite of cyclonic rotation.
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