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Cutoff Low - A closed low which has become completely displaced (cut off) from basic westerly current, and moves independently of that current. Cutoff lows may remain nearly stationary for days, or on occasion may move westward opposite to the prevailing flow aloft (i.e., retrogression). dBZ - Nondimensional "unit" of radar reflectivity which represents a logarithmic power ratio (in decibels, or dB) with respect to radar reflectivity factor, Z. The value of Z is a function of the amount of radar beam energy that is backscattered by a target and detected as a signal (or echo). Higher values of Z (and dBZ) thus indicate more energy being backscattered by a target. The amount of backscattered energy generally is related to precipitation intensity, such that higher values of dBZ that are detected from precipitation areas generally indicate higher precipitation rates. However, other factors can affect reflectivity, such as width of the radar beam, precipitation type, drop size, or the presence of ground clutter or AP. WSR-88D radars can detect reflectivities as low as -32 dBZ near the radar site, but significant (measurable) precipitation generally is indicated by reflectivities of around 15 dBZ or more. Values of 50 dBZ or more normally are associated with heavy thunderstorms, perhaps with hail, but as with most other quantities, there are no reliable threshold values to confirm the presence of hail or severe weather in a given situation. See VIP for threshold dBZ values associated with each VIP level. dBZ - Unidad adimensional de la reflectividad del radar que representa la proporción logarítmica de la potencia (en decibelios, o dB) con respecto al factor de la reflectividad del radar, Z. El valor de Z es función de la cantidad de energía del haz de radar que es devuelta dispersada por un objetivo y detectada como una señal (o eco). Cuanto mayores son los valores de Z (y dBZ), más energía es devuelta dispersa por un objetivo. Generalmente la cantidad de energía devuelta se relaciona con la intensidad de la precipitación, tanto que valores más altos de dBZ que son detectados desde un área de precipitación indican más alta tasa de precipitación. Sin embargo, otros factores pueden afectar a la reflectividad, como la anchura del haz de radar, el tipo de precipitación, el tamaño de las gotas, o la presencia de “sombras” o PA (Propagación Anómala). Los radares WSR-88D pueden detectar reflectividades tan bajas como –32 dBZ cerca de la localización del radar, pero generalmente la precipiación significativa (susceptible de ser medida) se indica a través de reflectividades de 15 dBZ o más. Valores de 50 dBZ o más normalmente se asociacian a fuertes tormentas, quizás con granizo, aunque no hay valores-umbral fiables para confirmar la presencia de granizo o tiempo severo en una situación dada. Ver VIP para valores-umbral de dBZ asociados con cada nivel VIP. Delta T - A simple representation of the mean lapse rate within a layer of the atmosphere, obtained by calculating the difference between observed temperatures at the bottom and top of the layer. Delta Ts often are computed operationally over the layer between pressure levels of 700 mb and 500 mb, in order to evaluate the amount of instability in mid-levels of the atmosphere. Generally, values greater than about 18 indicate sufficient instability for severe thunderstorm development. *Overshooting Top (or Penetrating Top) - A dome-like protrusion above a thunderstorm anvil, representing a very strong updraft and hence a higher potential for severe weather with that storm. A persistent and/or large overshooting top (anvil dome) often is present on a supercell. A short-lived overshooting top, or one that forms and dissipates in cycles, may indicate the presence of a pulse storm or a cyclic storm. See HP storm, LP storm, and supercell. *Desbordamiento Nuboso (o Cima Penetrante) - Protuberancia con forma de cúpula sobre el yunque de una tormenta, que representa una potentísima corriente ascendente y por ello una alta probabilidad de tiempo severo con ella. A menudo un desbordamiento nuboso persistente y/o grande (cúpula del yunque) está presente sobre una supercélula. Un desbordamiento nuboso de vida corta, o uno que se forma y se disipa en ciclos, puede indicar la presencia de una tormenta pulsante (pulse-storm) o una tormenta cíclica (cyclic-storm). Ver tormenta AP, tormenta BP, y supercélula. Dust Devil - A small atmospheric vortex not associated with a thunderstorm, which is made visible by a rotating cloud of dust or debris (dust whirl). Dust devils form in response to surface heating during fair, hot weather; they are most frequent in arid or semi-arid regions. Derecho - (Pronounced deh-REY-cho), a widespread and usually fast-moving windstorm associated with convection. Derechos include any family of downburst clusters produced by an extratropical MCS, and can produce damaging straight-line winds over areas hundreds of miles long and more than 100 miles across. Difluence (or Diffluence) - A pattern of wind flow in which air moves outward (in a "fan-out" pattern) away from a central axis that is oriented parallel to the general direction of the flow. It is the opposite of confluence. Dynamics - Generally, any forces that produce motion or affect change. In operational meteorology, dynamics usually refer specifically to those forces that produce vertical motion in the atmosphere. Diurnal - Daily; related to actions which are completed in the course of a calendar day, and which typically recur every calendar day (e.g., diurnal temperature rises during the day, and diurnal falls at night). Divergence - The expansion or spreading out of a vector field; usually said of horizontal winds. It is the opposite of convergence. Divergence at upper levels of the atmosphere enhances upward motion, and hence the potential for thunderstorm development (if other factors also are favorable).
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